Instructor: Grand Master Tam Fook Chee (Sasung Tam) and Sabum Mayumi Tel No. 0421 996688 [email protected] Tam Taekwon-Do Mudokwan - Auburn-Lidcombe Dojang
ADDRESS Auburn PCYC Wyatt Park, Church Street, Lidcombe, NSW, 2141
Training Days. Closed from 18-12-2024. Training resumes from 3-2-2025. Monday TaekwonKids - 6 to 7:00 p.m. Teenager and adult - 7 to 8:00 p.m.
Wednesday TaekwonKids - 6 to 7:00 p.m. Teenager and adult - 7 to 8:00 p.m.
Blacktown Alpha Park
Instructor: Sabum Rabindra Ghale Tel No. 0432 189461 [email protected] Tam Taekwon-Do Mudokwan - Blacktown Alpha Park Dojang
ADDRESS Alpha Park Hall, Alpha Street Blacktown, NSW, 2148
Training Day. Wednesday General Class - 6 to 7:00 p.m.
Instructor: Charlie Lay Tel No. 0426 963006 [email protected] Tam Taekwon-Do Mudokwan - Bondi Beach Dojang
ADDRESS High Tide Room, Bondi Pavilion, Queen Elizabeth Drive Bondi Beach NSW 2026
Monday General Class - 5:45 to 6:45 p.m.
Friday training will be conducted at Waverley Woollahrah Art School 138 Bondi Road, Bondi NSW 2026 General Class - 6 to 7:00 p.m.
Bondi Waverley-Woolahrah
Instructor: Charlie Lay Tel No. 0426 963006 [email protected] Tam Taekwon-Do Mudokwan - Bondi Dojang
ADDRESS Waverley Woolahra Art School 138 Bondi Road Bondi NSW 2026
Friday General Class - 6 to 7:00 p.m.
Instructor: Grand Master Tam Fook Chee (Sasung Tam) and Sabum Mayumi Tam Tel No. 0421 996688 [email protected] Tam Taekwon-Do Mudokwan - Burwood Dojang
ADDRESS Burwood Park Community Centre 2B Comer Street Burwood NSW 2134 (next to the Burwood Park pond)
Training Days. Closed from 13-12-2024. Training resumes from 7-2-2025. Friday All TaekwonKids up to red belt - 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. TaekwonKids black-tip, teenager, and adult - 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Instructors: Grand Master Tam Fook Chee (Sasung Tam) & Sabum Mayumi Tam Tel No. 0421 996688 [email protected] Tam Taekwon-Do Mudokwan - Rockdale-Brighton Dojang
ADDRESS St. George PCYC, 9 Ador Avenue, Rockdale, NSW, 2216
Training Days. Closed from 17-12-2024. Training resumes from 4-2-2025. Tuesday All TaekwonKids - 5 to 6:00 p.m. Teenager and adults - 6 to 7:00 p.m.
Thursday Combine class - 6 to 7:00 p.m.
Strathfield South
Instructors: Sabum Mayumi Tam Tel No. 0421 996688 [email protected] Tam Taekwon-Do Mudokwan - Strathfield Dojang