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It has been a busy month leading to the 114th Tam Taekwon-Do grading. Sahyun Tam has been dividing his time coaching his team to the World Championships in Italy and preparing his students for the black belt and colour grading.
Three days upon returning from the successful championships, the colour belt grading was held at Lidcombe dojang. All student turned up eagerly for the first grading held in the new dojang. Most TaekwonKids were graded by Sabum Mayumi, whilst the adults were tested by Sahyun Tam in a separate room. Some children were slightly nervous but to reassure everyone, this is a natural human reaction. Having seventy six students in the dojang might be a little scary for the little ones. However, they did well once they stepped onto the mats. Thank you to all the assistant instructors who passionately helped the students in the final preparation for their big day. Well done and congratulations to the following: 9th Gup White Belt Yellow-tip Edward Haryanto, Frederick Sulim, Chloe Chan, Abu-Bakr Moin, Hamza Cicek, Ali Hammoud, Audrey Chu, Tyler To, Kiana Parves, Rayden Chan, Jasmine Botha-Nand, Keyaan Parves, Kush Parikh(probational), Rukayya Cicek, Isabella Cheung, Jacqueline Wang, Chloe Liu, Austin Chan, Dr Micheal Zhu, Jessica Dan 8th Gup Yellow Belt Adam Paraginog, Neysha Paraginog, Leo Dalmaris, Justin Zhang, Justin Dang, Aidan Wong, Chris Qiu, Jessica Dang, Jiaqi Zhen, Ni Ratnamaheshwari, David Kowalcze 7th Gup Yelloe Belt Green-tip Justin Mio, Ronson Chan, Marcus Tsui, Ali Karnib, Ellie Dang, Nick Dang 6th Gup Green Belt Alexander Thanos 5th Gup Green Belt Blue-tip Katrina Choi, Winston Phan, Andrew Chen, Jody Pan, Ethan Tran, Ashley Chan, Adam Beilin, Tasha Leon, Hussein Hammoud, Ali Hammoud, Natalie Tran, Isabella Tsui, Jaimey Foti, Diana Porta, Cecelia Choi 4th Gup Blue Belt TJ Tran, Jasmine Tran, Thomas Bousoutis, James Mouawad, Jason Yohana, Rosalie Cheung, Dmitri Stepanov 3rd Gup Blue Belt Red-tip Chloe Myrianthis, Michael Karevski, Aaron Go, Krish Patel, Marcus Karevski, Jawaad Hage, Nathan Myaskovetskiy, Jeremy Dang 2nd Gup Red Belt Rushagrid Kunthamas, Donchada Kunthamas, Napat Kunthamas, Lauren Huynh, Lilyanne Huynh, James Chan, Isaac Huynh 1st Gup Red Belt Black-tip Kevin Huynh, Zakariya Hage, Richard Duong, Aidan Yam, Daniel Shalyapin
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